Quantum Entanglement

On Human Connection,
Digital Influence and

Faris Ali
6 min readDec 4, 2018

Many people turn away from physics because they believe they cannot understand the complex (or simple) theories out there. The same can be said for the countless people that are emotionally switched off and unavailable for any deep human connection. The former are trapped in mental sloth and the latter are emotionally numb. Holy scriptures and ancient texts delve deep into both the human condition and that which is beyond our sensory perception. The central theme of most esoteric books is to establish some sort of mental order via the spiritual path. Modern scholars are still crunching away at digital papers that no one will read—in today’s sensational clickbait era—about topics people think they won’t understand. Academics disregard how language and culture is organically evolving, rendering their insight out of touch and out of mind—to the majority of humanity who need reassurance the most. There is no point of having many answers to contemporary life’s big questions if they cannot be communicated across to an audience that will be receptive to what is being said. Once nudged in the right language, anyone can rise to a higher state of consciousness and be an active participant in life’s real conversations.

The ever speeding up world of digital economy has cast a shadow over overworked minds with eyes strained form constantly darting across screens with artificial light. Constant content thumb scrolling is making us suffer from consciousness amnesia and a warped sense of reality. We are not in touch with the parallel realities of the billions of people living around us and we are becoming less and less aware of past worlds and the consciousness of our ancestors. We have reduced our experience of ancient mysteries to Hollywood scripts and Netflix’s suggestions algorithm. Even the simple pleasures of walking and running have been over-digitized, we now think in biometrics that we can quantify and compare with our friends and trainers instead of allowing our minds and bodies to be one with the terrain we are running through. Our directional awareness with the world is slowly being severed the more we depend on Google Maps and worry about closing Apple’s daily ring goals. It has become normal to trap your body in a cardiovascular loop in overpriced concrete and neon boxes but it has become weird to exercise your inner creative imagination. We have allowed corporate media to not only control our taste and view of the outside world but also to control our personal imagination and what direction we think towards. We are trapped in a machination of new era control, digital remote control.

Many of us get absorbed into careers, family drama or obsessive thoughts towards a goal or problem. In the same spirit of the Greek myth of the labyrinth, we find ourselves spiraling deeper and deeper in a mental maze of our own making. We are all striving to return to our center after a long day of wondering in the world. If we travel far from our center we lose balance and sometimes forget the way back. Those of us who have lost trust and walk alone in the world leave an invisible string behind to make our way back from the maze then return again the next day to seek a new way to the center. When we rise above our limited perspective, we can see a bird’s eye view of our labyrinth, where we took a wrong turn, what happened and what we learned. From an elevated distance, we chart a new path and attempt the maze again, but this time with updated insight and experience. Some people remain stuck in the maze by repeating the same thought patterns; never mentally breaking out of habitual thinking that no longer serves them. In this way the traveler becomes a slave to the mind’s ingrained thinking, always working but going in a perpetual circle.

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” —Steve Jobs

Only when we are grounded in our center can we begin to receive realizations and understand what the unique sequence of events and experiences means in our life and personal journey.

Those walking through the labyrinth in parallel with us, see us. They see us even in a crowded and noisy intersection. Statistically, our chances of survival are always better when we walk with someone or with a group. We can exchange navigational insight, life hacks, social understanding and even spiritual knowledge. These connections break us out of fixated tunnel vision and expand our experience of the seen and unseen world. The stronger our connection, the more entangled we become with others and the more we can share and exchange vital information for survival in the many shifting realities we must walk through to grow.

“A human being is part of the whole, called by us “universe,” limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.” —Albert Einstein

Just how two very close people can affect each other’s state of mind and emotions, two quantum entangled particles can affect one another states and energy—over any distance, even across the universe. Like two star-crossed lovers—bombarded by outside forces—two entangled particles reflect and balance one another’s observable states.

Imagine two specks of dust at opposite ends of the universe, separated by several billion light years. Quantum theory predicts that, regardless of the vast distance separating them, these two particles can be entangled. That is, any measurement made on one will instantaneously convey information about the outcome of a future measurement on its partner. In that case, the outcomes of measurements on each member of the pair can become highly correlated. — MIT

When two particles become entangled they maintain a causal relationship regardless of spacetime. So when one particle is observed spinning clockwise, it’s entangled counterpart collapses into a counter clock-wise state. This is what Einstein called ‘spooky action at a distance’—which basically means that there is an instant and invisible connection between the two. Before we consciously choose a lover or business partner, we exist in a matrix of infinite combination possibilities. Particles have been described as choosing an entangled companion that they stick to; known as particle collapse, eliminating all possibilities and entangling itself to one. Scientists, sages and seers use different languages to describe the same phenomena. Each has been initiated on a different path of thinking but are drawn towards the same primordial center.

“Put your thoughts to sleep, do not let them cast a shadow over the moon of your heart. Let go of thinking.” —Rumi

If Cleopatra and Mark Antony didn’t become entangled the current state of Egypt and Italy would be very (very) different. Ancient geopolitical implications aside, we should never under estimate the power of two entangled particles in constant remote and local communication.

Entangled particles break the rules. How this happens, we still don’t really understand. But we know that through spooky action at a distance the information present in each particle can be shared, exchanged and mirrored. The same parallel effects are evident in bonded people that experience the same emotions and thought patterns. We cannot deny the obvious effects of entanglement, whether we have a wholistic understanding of it or not.



Faris Ali
Faris Ali

Written by Faris Ali

flâneur | seafarer among seafarers | all Medium writing is experimental, opinion or abstract creative expression.

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